FIVE PILLARS OF ISLAM


                    The SHAHADHA, is the most fundamental expression of Islamic beliefs. It simply states that “There is no God but ALLAH and Muhammad is his prophet.” It underscores the monotheistic nature of Islam.
             Allah witnesses that there is no deity except Him, and [so do] the angels and those of knowledge – [that He is] maintaining [creation] in justice. There is no deity except Him, the Exalted in Might, the Wise.
                                                             Quran [3:18]
                    When the hypocrites come to you, [O Muhammad], they say, “We testify that you are the Messenger of Allah .” And Allah knows that you are His Messenger, and Allah testifies that the hypocrites are liars.
                                          Quran [63:1]


                  The word “Salah” or “Salat” comes from the Arabic word “ٱلصَّلَاة‎” which originally means “connection” and refer to “prayer” and “supplication” to Allah (SWT) as it makes a connection between Allah Almighty and His slaves. It also connects each Muslim to all others around the world.
               They should pray five times a day

          From Dawn to before the sun has fully risen


        From Midday to once the sun has passed the highest point


         From late afternoon to before the sun begins to set


         From after sunset to once the sun dips below the horizon

                From the end of maghrib to midnight 
      Certainly, will the believers have succeeded: They who are during their prayer humbly submissive, And they who turn away from ill speech, And they who are observant of zakah, And they who guard their private parts.
                                                  Quran [23-1:5]


            zakat is a form of obligatory charity that has the potential to ease the suffering of millions. Zakat is also a spiritual connection to one’s maker – to purify your wealth for the will of Allah is to acknowledge that everything we own belongs to Him, and it is for Him that we strive to end poverty and help our brothers and sisters.
          They ask you [Prophet] what they should give. Say, ‘Whatever you give should be for parents, close relatives, orphans, the needy, and travellers. God is well aware of whatever good you do.  
                                 QURAN 2:215


          During the daylight hours of Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, all healthy adult Muslims are required to abstain from food and drink.During Ramadan they share the hunger and thirst of the needy as a reminder of the religious duty to help those less fortunate.

              "O you who believe, fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may develop God-consciousness."
                           QURAN 2:183


           The final Pillar of Islam is the Hajj, or pilgrimage. During one’s life, a Muslim is required to make the pilgrimage to Mecca during the 12th month of the lunar calendar.It is compulsory for one who has enough money.
         And when We made the House (at Makka) a resort for mankind and sanctuary, (saying): Take as your place of worship the place where Abraham stood (to pray). And We imposed a duty upon Abraham and Ishmael, (saying): Purify My house for those who go around and those who meditate therein and those who bow down and prostrate themselves (in worship).           
